Spyder Wheelz cannot perform its business activities without personal data being processed. Your privacy is important to us. On this page, we set out which personal data we collect from you if you use our website, why we collect this data, and what we do with it. It is important to us that your data is handled carefully and we ensure that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially. In short, our privacy statement means that we use your personal data:

  • Only to carry out our official and other duties and activities.
  • Not to collect or use the data for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Statement.
  • Securely and with care.

This Privacy Statement applies to Spyder Wheelz services. You must acknowledge that Spyder Wheelz is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and sources mentioned on this website.

The use of personal data

We do not collect or use your personal data for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy unless we have obtained your prior consent.


If you send email or other messages to us, we will retain those messages for as long as is necessary or reasonable, depending on the nature of your message, to enable us to respond fully and/or to deal with it. In some instances, we will request your personal data if they are relevant for the situation at hand. We will process the details you have provided with care.

Third parties

Your personal data is not shared with third parties. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to keep track of how visitors use the website. The information obtained in this way, including your computer’s address (IP address), is transmitted to and stored by Google on its servers. Read the Google privacy policy for further information, along with the specific Google Analytics privacy policy.

Google uses this information to keep track of how our website is used, in order to provide us with reports regarding the website, and to inform their advertisers of the effectiveness of their campaigns. Google may pass this information on to third parties in the event that Google makes this a legal obligation, or insofar as third parties process this information on behalf of Google. We have no influence over this. We have not given Google permission to use the Analytics information they receive for other Google services.


We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data you provide from unlawful use. Secured connections are used when sending data online.

Viewing and amending personal data

When we process your data, you are entitled to view this data. If you are in any doubt about whether the data is correct, complete or relevant, you can submit a request in writing, specifying your reasons and with a copy of your proof of identity. We will then apply the changes as soon as possible or explain to you why this cannot or cannot currently be carried out.

Using our services

When you register for one of your services, we ask you to send us your personal data. These details are used to provide a proper standard of service.

Online visits

When you visit our website, the technical features of your requests are retained on our servers as log files. We do not check who uses which IP address at any given time and therefore do not trace this data back to you personally.


A cookie is a simple, small file that a website saves using the browser. A cookie contains information. This website uses functional cookies that are required for the website to work properly. These cookies have no or very limited consequences as regards the privacy of the website’s visitors.

Exceptions apply for misuse and obligations

When we believe there has been misuse or abuse of our facilities, we may deny certain IP numbers and/or email addresses access to our services or website for a specific or indefinite period of time. In the event of abuse, we may attempt to trace the data back to your person, for example in order to contact you or to make a report or take legal action against you. We will make data available if required by law.

Queries and feedback

If you have any queries that have not been answered in this privacy statement, comments regarding the content, or complaints regarding the way in which your personal data have been handled, we would be happy to hear from you. Please email